Monday, October 29, 2012

In Halloween spirit..

I dove into this project without a plan of action beforehand, and i'm very satisfied with how it turned out. I began this project by tracing Jack Skellington and then cutting him out with a Xacto knife. From there, I spray painted him over a background. I used purple and white to complete my stencil. I beleive I added the correct amount of depth to this project.
I used newspapers and pages from art history textbooks to create my stencil. I chose the pictures in the book that relatived to the topic of halloween, which was hard to pull off. I made a collage of the pictures that I worked hard to find.
I changed the threshold by adding different colors into my stencil, otherwise the proportions would be off. I think this stencil has a beautiful and well-balanced contrast. I beleive that I This stencil is creative and puts you in the mood for the holiday.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Overall, My artwork reflects my attitude. I beleive my artwork had perfect balance of colors and a beautiful rhythm. I added texture into the print by leaving lines while creating the leaves surrounding the iguana. This was important because it created a 'sketchy' look in the background. I used more negative than positive space to complete this project. Some obstacles include the fact that I dug too deep into the rubber that we carved on. An advantage included the fact that the leaves were very easy to complete a vast number of them.
I had a wonderful time doing this project and hope to do something like his very soon in the future.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Especially in an animal sketch, texture allows it to come to life. Having several refrences for each animal and background allow me to have variety in texture. When choosing which print to sketch, I looked at all the textures from the 3 pictures and tried to make a combination.
I would say my group worked fairly well as a team and split the execution of ideas amoung the four of us. We all pitched ideas as well as all agreed that Pac-Man would be the best plan we had to offer. We all had good intentions from the moment we began the project.
Collaboration and cooperation played HUGE roles in the project. We had to make a couple quick decisions as a group for the sake of our Pac-Man, but we solved the minor problems and got right back on the road. Only a team with an incredible amount of cooperation could have overcame what we have in the past week.
When collaborating, it's important to understand every person's opinion towards the issue. You'll need to ask every person's view on the subject before making a group decision. Working on a team requires leadership skills as well as a listening ear.
In my opinion, Our project was very successful. We had completed the main body of the mural by the second day, and worked on the details for the rest of the time. We had to use our improvisation skills for some of the fine details in colors, but because of our practiced collaboration skills, the Pac-Man turned out magnificent.
My feelings involving the interactive art drawn in the middle of the courtyard are all optimistic. I hope that others can enjoy my artwork and interact with it as intended. I hope that my artwork will inspire others as I am inspired by my artwork as well.